Monday 28 February 2011

Masque Boutique

I have searched the net for masquerade mask websites that would fulfil the needs of fans expectations for our themed charity party, and Masque Boutique is by far the best site I have come across displaying lots of lovely pictures of their beautifully designed creations. The amount of photo's show that the maker is experienced by providing a variety of designs to choose from. So deciding which site to use for such a special event wasn't difficult at all and its quite clear that Tanith puts much love and dedication go into her work as much as we are putting into organising this party. The best thing is that fans can put forward their own design idea's and have them as elaborate or as plain as they like, or they can send a photo of their outfit in and Tanith will do her best to design a mask that would compliment it. Debbie Cox has already received hers as she was so eager to get her hands on one. We asked her a few questions which may help with your decisions to order from Masque Boutique.

Without giving too much away, can you explain what your mask is like? Its red and glittery with a black ostrich feather and black flower on the left, it has a ribbon to hold it on and its a soft mask. It is far more beautiful than expected and my work colleagues have also commented on how beautiful it is.

How was the service you received? Tanith was very helpful in helping me to choose what I wanted, there were options to have a soft or hard mask, colours and whether to have a stick or ribbon to hold it on with. I did most of the ordering via email with very quick replies, friendly service and I think I had my mask within about a week after deciding what I wanted.

How helpful did you find the details on the website? Good website - my mask was adapted from one I found on the website, there was lots of choice and Tanith can make any mask to your description, I also thought the price was quite reasonable.

Check out the website and start thinking about what mask you want!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Red Masquerade Charity Party 2011

Everyone had such a great time at last years party; we just couldn't deny people the chance to to it again and for those of you to attend who were unable to make it last time. If you are considering attending but not entirely sure what to expect then you can check out a previous blog written shortly after last years party. Its a great way to meet new fans and celebrate Stephen's life as well as raise lots of money for the charity that was close to him 'Caudwell Children'.

This years Theme is going to be a Red Masquerade party where guests are expected to wear masquerade masks. Its also red so your mask can be all red, feature red or if your outfit has a lot of red in it already you may choose to have a completely different colour mask. For those stuck on where to buy the ideal mask check out Photo's of the masks can be viewed on facebook as well as the website

The lovely Tanith who makes all the amazing masks on this website has agreed to offer fans a discount of 10% with a further 10% of each purchase going straight to Caudwell Children. She can make to order and has masks to suit any budget (check the Stephen Gately Message board for more details).

if you want to know more about the party please go to the Stephen Gately Official Message Board For contact details and regular updates.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Shez, Silvia, Gemma, Debbie, Freya, Julia and Betina

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Fan Tour Tribute

So, we have entered February on a high knowing that our first Boyzone concert of the tour is just around the corner. But, there will always be one thing at the back of our minds and that's how we will react when we are faced with the moment when the boyz step out onto the stage in an arena without our Duracell bunny, Stephen. It will be emotional but the support we show for each of the boyz will give us something to focus on and get us and them through it. I'm sure everyone on this tour are going to be extra loud :)

Now I know many of us including myself will either be wearing red or Superman t-shirts as a tribute to Stephen on the tour. It would be lovely to see as many people as possible taking part in this. If you can't find superman t-shirts in a shop, you can get custom ones made online or at your local t-shirt printing shop. Another suggestion is that you buy transfer paper for your printer and make the t-shirt yourself. Either way there are a few options that will work well and look good.

My final words to everyone would be to have a fantastic time and make some memories

Shez at Steo's Superfanz

Sunday 21 November 2010

The Importance of the Charity 'Cardiac Risk in the Young'

Back on 18th July 2010 a group of fans took park in the CRY - Bridges Walk to help raise awareness of undiagnosed heart conditions in memory of Stephen. It was a lovely event in which we are prepared to do again next year. We as Stephen's fans didn't go unnoticed by other walkers who happily approached us to ask questions and the charity itself who mentioned us at the beginning of the walk on the main stage.
(the fans before the CRY Bridges Walk 2010)

They wrote an article about Stephen which featured in 'Cardiac Risk in the Young' update 51 magazine page 63 (Jan-April 2010). A snippet from the article read with the headline: Heart Screening Boost - Organisers believe that the passing of Stephen could boost the attendance at heart screening clinics. They are hopeful that some teenagers and young adults who otherwise wouldn't have considered having their health checked will now go along for screening. Mrs Gard, CRY's divisional representative for the East of England said, ever since the sudden death of Stephen Gately, screening events around the country have been especially well supported due to increased awareness that this can happen to anyone and not just those involved in sport.

Today I experienced first hand just how important the money raised at events like the CRY Bridges Walk actually is as I attended a heart screening appointment at a unit local to me. It was free and took up very little time. I had registered online shortly after I heard about it a couple of months ago. A week or two before the screening they send you a confirmation email which also contained a couple of forms asking some straight forward health related questions that you fill out and take to the appointment with you.

They inform you of what to expect beforehand so you are not left wondering. The staff running the unit were professional, friendly and talkative which really helps put people at ease. The procedure itself only took a few minutes and the results are then passed to a consultant who you see before you leave so there is no waiting around to receive results through the post. To my relief my results were clear but I would definitely urge others in the specified age bracket to look out for CRY units in their local area in the future... it could put your mind at rest and even save your life!

Shez @ Steo's Superfanz

'Loved for a Reason' charity party

We are extremely happy with how the party went on 23rd October 2010 and we would like to say a huge thank you to those who attended. As it was our first attempt at hosting a party like that, we were a little unsure of what to expect. We hadn't sold as many tickets as we had hoped so all we could do was wait and see what would happen. We needn't have worried though as the whole night was a success.

I nice group of people turned up, food and wine was flowing and people were generally enjoing themselves and mingling well. Our raffle went down a treat with some fab prizes, we had Boyzone and Steo songs playing and had a rather evil quiz in which the winning team won superman mugs.

(Our selection of raffle prizes)
(The winning quiz team and their mugs)
Our special guests were the lovely Pat and Phyllis, Stephen and Andrew's very good friends who were happy to talk to anyone that approached them. After reading out a "sorry I can't be here" message from Andy he turned up shortly afterwards with Admin (from Stephen Gately official) and surprised us all :)

We ended the night with a good old boogie and some of us went on to party until the early hours. We raised £732.56 for Caudwell Children which was kindly doubled by Andy to make a whopping £1,465. We are hoping to make it an annual event so we are looking forward to seeing some new faces next year... who's up for it?

Organisers: Shez, Silvia, Gemma, Debbie, Freya, Betina & Julia

Wednesday 12 May 2010

'The Tree of Seasons' Fan Book Launch

If you were one of the lucky ones who attended the book launch for 'The Tree of Seasons' Sunday 9th May, then you will already know what a lovely event it was. Considering it was all arranged at such short notice, Andrew and Admin (April Nelson) did a great job with finding a suitable venue and allocating tickets. Everyone was in good spirits when they arrived and not really knowing what to expect. We eagerly awaited the introduction and welcome talk from Admin and then listened attentively to what Andrew had to say.

Andrew being a warm and genuine person added a little humour which put the fans at ease and then explained how Stephen had never made it to number 1 as a solo artist. He said "lets get the boy to number 1" to which the fans responded with claps and cheers.

Special guests Pat and Phyllis, good friends of Stephen's and Traveot Jary who starred alongside Stephen in the theatre production of 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat' all read extracts from 'The Tree of Seasons' along with Andrew. They all added their unique style of story telling; Phyllis being the most amusing when she thought she was unable to do it due to a fit of giggles.
Phyllis the butcher and Pat the baker :)
Andrew Cowles
Traveot Jary
We were then given the opportunity to purchase the book that we had been waiting to get our hands on for a long time and get it signed by Andrew and Keith Wilson, the talented artist that provided the illustrations for 'The Tree of Seasons'. Stephen had taken an instant liking to his work before he passed away and decided it was just what he needed for the book. His enchanting work which was displayed around the top of the venue for all to admire were unusually mesmerising; the sort of art that you can lose yourself in and create a whole story of your own. Keith explained to me that he had been drawing since he was a small child and his experience shows in the detail of his creations.
Andrew and Keith Signing 'The Tree of Seasons'

Andrew made time to talk to all of the fans during the signing despite being hurried along on occasions. He came across as very down to earth and caring; qualities that his beloved husband Stephen possessed. By this point everyone had had a drink from the well equipped bar and was enjoying themselves. After having a long conversation with Phyllis and Pat who shared some lovely memories of Stephen with us, we spent some more time with Andrew talking about anything and everything. He told us that he was aware of Steo's Superfanz and we informed him of the CRY - Bridges walk we are doing in memory of Stephen. All in all it was a very successful day raising a total of £412 in donations for Caudwell Children. Everyone went home extremely happy.

Sunday 2 May 2010


This blog post is dedicated to Andrew Cowles, the husband of Stephen Gately who is currently getting ready to promote 'The Tree of Seasons' at what must still be a very difficult and heartbreaking time for him. The fans have supported Stephen tirelessly over the years and since his passing our focus has been turned towards Andrew. In return, Andrew has been exceptionally thoughtful towards us, providing opportunities for attending various events in memory of Stephen as he knew that the fans were also a big part of stephen's life. He didn't have to do this but he did.

I know of many fans who are extremely grateful for all that he has done and we all remain loyal to Stephen by Supporting Andrew. You can catch Andrew on 'This Morning' 12th May